聯絡方式 100 台北市仁愛路1段1號 台大醫工系 電話:02-27324580 傳真:02-23934177 E-mail: drsjlin@ntu.edu.tw 經歷 2006-2007台大醫學院皮膚科 兼任助理教授 2006-2006台大醫學院皮膚科 兼任講師 2007-2012台大醫學工程研究所/醫學院皮膚科(合聘) 助理教授 2010-2012美國加州南加州大學醫學院 訪問助理教授 2012-2016台大醫學工程研究所/皮膚科(合聘)/系統生物學學程(合聘) 副教授 2016-迄今 台大醫學工程系/皮膚科(合聘)/系統生物學學程(合聘)/臨床醫學研究所(合聘) 教授 2018-迄今 台大醫學工程系/皮膚科(合聘)/系統生物學學程(合聘)/臨床醫學研究所(合聘) 特聘教授 2019-迄今 清華大學腦科學中心(合聘) 教授 2003-迄今 台大醫院皮膚部 主治醫師 2017-2019 台大醫院醫學研究部 規劃訓練組組長 2019-迄今 台大醫院醫學研究部 副主任 2019-迄今 台大醫學院研發分處 副主任 2020 科技部感官系統醫學學門 召集人 主要學歷 台灣大學醫學系畢業(1998)
台灣大學醫學工程研究所博士(2006) 榮譽及獲獎
Dr. Lin, Sung-Jan (Jerry), M.D., Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor
Taiwan Bio-development Foundation (TBF) Chair in Biotechnology
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Dermatology
Deputy Director, Research Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Deputy Director, Department of Biomedical Research, National Taiwan University Hospital
Attending Physician, Department of Dermatology, National Taiwan University Hospital
Address: 1, Section 1, Jen-Ai Road, Taipei, Taiwan, 100.
Tel: 886-2-27324580 Fax: 886-2-23934177 E-mail: drsjlin@ntu.edu.tw
Dr. Sung-Jan Lin is the Taiwan Bio-development Foundation (TBF) Chair in Biotechnology and Professor of Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Deputy Director of Research Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine at National Taiwan University. He is also a dermatologist in National Taiwan University Hospital. He received his MD and PhD from College of Medicine and College of Engineering in National Taiwan University. He takes hair follicles, a miniorgan with distinct structures and growth cycles, as a model to understand how a complex organ interacts with the environment and reacts to various insults and to decipher the principles and machinery of tissue regeneration. He is also interested in corneal tissue regeneration, especially corneal endothelium. His lab employs a multidisciplinary approach by combing the knowledge learned in biology and tissue engineering to enhance tissue regeneration. He has published ~120 journal papers in associated journals, including Science, PNAS, Nature Communications, Biomaterials, Optics Letters, etc. His work has been recognized by Award for Junior Research Investigators in Life Science of Academia Sinica, Physician Scientist Award of Taiwan National Health Research Institutes, Distinguished Research Award of Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology and Outstanding Professor Award of Far Eastern Y.Z. Hsu Science and Technology Memorial Foundation. In 2014, he was elected as Taiwan Bio-development Foundation (TBF) Chair in Biotechnology.
Excellent resident award, National Taiwan University Hospital, 2002
International Scholarship Grant, 18th World Congress of Dermatology Fund, 2006
Galderma Skin Research Award, 2007
Career Development Grant, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, 2008 ~ 2011
Award for Junior Research Investigators in Life Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2009
Physician Scientist Award, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, 2010-2015
Ta-You Wu Memorial Award of National Science Council, Taiwan, 2010
Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2010
Basic Research Award, Asia-Pacific La Roche-Posay Foundation, 2012
Ching-Shing Medical Award, 2012
Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2013
Taiwan Bio-Development Foundation (TBF) Chair in Biotechnology, 2014 ~ 2024
Distinguished Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2014
Distinguished Research Award, National Taiwan University Hospital, 2014
Dean Chen-Yuan Lee Memorial Medical Award, 2014
Distinguished Professor Award, Far Eastern Y.Z. Hsu Science and Technology Memorial Foundation, 2017
Basic Research Award, Asia-Pacific La Roche-Posay Foundation, 2018